AI Optimised HPC
What would it take to use AI, itself created by HPC, to optimise HPC

HPC and AI have this really odd incestuous love hate relationship. HPC was necessary for the initial training of modern LLMs. Speak to most AI startups though and they probably won’t know what HPC even stands for.
While LLMs might be attempting to replace traditional HPC calculations in some domains, what I’ve always been interested in is using AI (well more strictly just ML) to improve the scheduler. I’ve wanted to do that since about the time Google released TensorFlow. Writing a scheduler to take advantage of ML isn’t that hard. What is hard is getting the HPC application that uses the scheduler to expose enough information with each task to be able to train anything.
This is slowly changing though and if some of the in the article this extract is taken from come to fruition then we stand half a chance of having AI optimized HP.
If Terminator or HAL 2000 style AI scenarios already scare you, wait till we can have AI train new models. At that point the current LLM doesn’t need to be able to take over the world, it just needs to be able to train up a new SkyNet.
The above is an excerpt from