Compute as Real Estate
What if compute was real estate?

Running on-prem? That’s like buying a house. Big commitment, hefty down payment, and once you’re in, you’re not moving for a while. You’ll tinker with upgrades over time, and in a few years, you’ll wonder why some things are the way they are. Like why there’s an extra bedroom on top of the roof.
On-Demand is like snagging a last-minute Airbnb. Your options depend on what’s available, it’s great for short stays but not the best deal long-term. You know what you’re getting into, how you got there, and (hopefully) how to check out without breaking anything.
Reserved Capacity? Think of it as signing a long-term lease. You take your time finding the right spot, settle in for a few years, and breaking that lease? Not cheap. Upgrades? Meh. And after a while, you might find yourself asking, "How did that random chair get here?"
Spot? Well, that’s like booking a certain type of motel room—by the hour. It’s cheap, it’s quick, and there’s always the chance you’ll get booted out with little notice.
And no matter what, you’re getting charged every time you walk through the door—and somehow, it costs more to walk back out!