HPC Cloud Updates WE 05 May 2024
Updates to AWS, Azure & GCP in the last week relevant for HPC practitioners

Need a TPM for cloud VMs. NitroTPM now available via API
AWS announces a new Amazon EC2 API to retrieve the public endorsement key from NitroTPM

AMI management just got a little easier. You can now tell which AMIs were last used to launch EC2 instances
Amazon EC2 simplifies visibility into your active AMIs

and you can stop them getting deregistered too
Amazon EC2 now protects your AMIs from accidental deregistration

Using Azure Autoscale? Need email notifications? Better read this:
Action needed: Update Azure Autoscale Notifications to using additional email addresses for notifications | Azure updates | Microsoft Azure
Azure Classic roles will be retired by 31st August, 2024 – transition to using only additional email addresses for Azure Autoscale Notifications as Azure Autoscale is dependent on the Azure Classic Roles.

All quiet on the HPC front again this week at Google.