HPC Cloud Updates WE 11 Aug 2024

Updates to AWS, Azure & GCP in the last week relevant for HPC practitioners

HPC Cloud Updates WE 11 Aug 2024


c7i-flex now available in US West (Oregon)

Amazon EC2 C7i-flex instances are now available in US West (Oregon) Region - AWS
Discover more about what’s new at AWS with Amazon EC2 C7i-flex instances are now available in US West (Oregon) Region

Want to stop paying for IPv4? VPCs now supports IPv6

AWS announces private IPv6 addressing for VPCs and subnets - AWS
Discover more about what’s new at AWS with AWS announces private IPv6 addressing for VPCs and subnets

Need somewhere to keep backups on AWS (maybe to avoid paying egress fees to bring them back on prem?) Here’s another option

Announcing the general availability of AWS Backup logically air-gapped vault - AWS
Discover more about what’s new at AWS with Announcing the general availability of AWS Backup logically air-gapped vault

High Memory EC2 instances available in Paris and Frankfurt

Amazon EC2 High Memory instances now available in Europe (Paris) Region - AWS
Discover more about what’s new at AWS with Amazon EC2 High Memory instances now available in Europe (Paris) Region
Amazon EC2 High Memory instances now available in Europe (Frankfurt) Region - AWS
Discover more about what’s new at AWS with Amazon EC2 High Memory instances now available in Europe (Frankfurt) Region


This particular region may not be the most interesting for most of our clients but the idea certainly will be. Small footprint extensions to Azure regions to be closer to metropolitan regions. When we do get one in London and New York??

Public Preview: Los Angeles - Azure Extended Zones
Public Preview: Los Angeles - Azure Extended Zones


Nothing to see here.