HPC Cloud Updates WE 21 Apr 2024
Updates to AWS, Azure & GCP in the last week relevant for HPC practitioners

Quiet week in AWS release announcements.
EC2 r6gd instances available in Zurich. Have data that needs to remain in Switzerland? Can use ARM CPUs? This might be handy then
Amazon EC2 R6gd instances are now available in Europe (Zurich) region

New VMs available from Azue too. HBv4 and HX (HPC focused) series VMs now available in Sweden Central
General availability: HBv4-series & HX-series VMs are now available in Sweden Central. | Azure updates | Microsoft Azure
HBv4 virtual machines (VMs) are optimized for various HPC workloads such as computational fluid dynamics, finite element analysis, frontend and backend EDA, rendering, molecular dynamics, computational geoscience, weather simulation, and financial risk analysis. HX-series Virtual Machines (VM…

Need to encrypt all traffic on the wire to keep CISO happy? Don’t want to change your HPC applications? Azure Virtual Network encryption just became GA
General availability: Azure Virtual Network encryption availability in all regions | Azure updates | Microsoft Azure
Azure Virtual Network encryption is a feature of Azure Virtual Networks. Virtual network encryption allows you to seamlessly encrypt and decrypt traffic between Azure Virtual Machines.

Seems like its VM week.
GCP released storage optimized VMs. May be a good fit for your HPC caching services
Getting to know the Z3 storage-optimized machine family | Google Cloud Blog
With 6M 100% random-read and 6M write IOPS, Z3 VMs provide consistent performance and predictable maintenance experience for storage-dense workloads.

If all 218 odd announcements from Google from Cloud Next are too much to take in perhaps this reduced guide might help
The overwhelmed person’s guide to Google Cloud | Google Cloud Blog
This weekly blog post curates the most helpful blogs, the most exciting new features, and the most useful upcoming events coming out of Google Cloud.