HPC Cloud Updates WE 23 Feb 2025 & WE 16 Feb 2025
Updates to AWS, Azure & GCP in the last week relevant for HPC practitioners. GB200s from Google, Dv6 from Azure and more.

The sharp eyed amongst you will have noticed there were no release notes last week. Apologies. This update covers everything for past two weeks.
Manage your AWS Batch resources using Terraform

EC2 Capacity Blocks are available in more regions, including US East and West, Stocholm, London, Tokyo anf Mumbai for p5 types

Upgrade the version of Lustre used with Amazon FSx

New instance types this week: g6e in Stockholm, r6a in Canada, c7g in Zurich, c6in in Chicago and New York, m7g in Jakarta, Melbourne and Osaka, m8g in London

Ever heard of WekaFS? I hadn’t either but here’s a handy guide on how to use it with Cycle Cloud to power your HPC
Microsoft will be at NVIDIA GTC, handy guide to their sessions and talks here
Dv6 and Ev6 are now Generally Available. Time to point COREx at them then!
Google Cloud
GB200s now available in new a4x VMs alongside NVIDIA Grace ARM CPUs