HPC Cloud Updates WE 26 May 2024

Updates to AWS, Azure & GCP in the last week relevant for HPC practitioners

HPC Cloud Updates WE 26 May 2024


More EC2 flex instances in a few more regions

Amazon EC2 M7i-flex, M7i, C7i, and R7i instances are now available in additional regions - AWS
Discover more about what’s new at AWS with Amazon EC2 M7i-flex, M7i, C7i, and R7i instances are now available in additional regions


Amazon EC2 M7i-flex, M7i, and C7i instances are now available in AWS GovCloud (US-East) Region - AWS
Discover more about what’s new at AWS with Amazon EC2 M7i-flex, M7i, and C7i instances are now available in AWS GovCloud (US-East) Region


Hold on to your hats, Azure finally give us Compute Fleet! Its now in public preview

Public Preview - Azure Compute Fleet | Azure updates | Microsoft Azure
Azure Compute Fleet is a game changer in scaling and optimizing Azure compute resources across different virtual machine (VM) types, availability zones, and pricing models to achieve desired scale, performance, and cost.

No more charges for moving data between AZs. Yes please

Update on Inter-Availability Zone Data Transfer Pricing | Azure updates | Microsoft Azure
Azure will not charge for the data transfer across availability zones to help customers build more resilient and efficient applications on the cloud by leveraging availability zones. This will enable customers to leverage the benefits of zonal and zone-redundant services without extra costs fo…


New Intel Emerald Rapids VMs in N4 and C4 flavours now available

A closer look at Compute Engine C4 and N4 machine series | Google Cloud Blog
The new C4 provides top-tier performance for demanding applications, while N4’s flexible configurations help improve price-performance.