HPC Club #2

We have a date. We have a venue. HPC Club #2 is cleared for launch.

HPC Club #2

It may feel like we have forgotten, but rest assured we have been busy working away on HPC Club. Most importantly we have a date for the next one. 12th March from 16:00 till 21:00 or you decide you’ve had your fill. Get out your Sharpies and mark your calendars.

We will release details shortly on how to book your place, details on guest speakers and an agenda.

As a reminder HPC Club is open to anyone that works in, is studying, or uses high performance computing. We are however limited on space and the last event was oversubscribed…

Salespeople working in HPC are very welcome to attend but we do have a no selling rule in place.

It has been pointed out by a few people now that we don’t have a charter or even a well stated purpose to HPC Club. I’m very happy to try and address that and if you have any input you’d like to share in this space, please drop me a message.