HPC in Trade Lifecycles?

Does HPC have a role to play in trade lifecycles? Let’s find out what AWS thinks…

HPC in Trade Lifecycles?

Fancy an Aromatic Wild Spiced coffee on me? (Who needs pumpkin lattes huh!)

I’ll be at “Modernizing the Trade Lifecycle with AWS” today.  AWS as in Bezos and clouds.

Trades not your cup of tea? We can talk High Performance Caffeine instead.

Ok enough with the low quality LLM assisted puns. I really will be at the AWS talk today and happy to buy you a coffee and talk HPC or clouds or cars if you’re around. Hit me up 😊

I’m curious to hear what will be said, trade lifecycle sounds like a bit of a boring topic. Images of booking and settlement systems and mainframes come to mind 🤮 

To be honest when I first saw the invite it didn’t strike me as being particularly HPC relevant (or interesting). But then I thought, the risk calculation is pretty important part of the trade’s lifecycle even if it isn’t one that immediately comes to mind. And you can’t say risk in the FSI world without saying HPC or grid… so let’s see what AWS have in store. 

A real time system where traders and risk managers can see the market, credit and XVA impact of a trade before booking it? Now we’re talking!