HPC Product Directory

A list of HPC products that might be useful

HPC Product Directory

High Performance Computing is a funny, fragmented and disparate world.

I’ve worked with HPC for close to twenty years at this point but that’s largely been within a single industry. Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve had the pleasure of speaking to several people in HPC in different industries. Sure, there are some differences, but focusing on them would be like obsessing over using a Philips or Pozidrive to screw keep your servers falling out of the rack. (Anyone everyone knows the right answer is Torx). 

One of the things that surprised me most was that even after all this time there are fundamental HPC products out there I had no idea even existed! 

So, I figured I’d list the ones that I know about at least and perhaps you can chime in with the ones that I’ve missed. An informal HPC Catalogue if you will. 

Open or closed source. SaaS or your own hardware. Cloud or on prem.

I’ve probably missed more than I’ve listed so please add anything I’ve missed to the comments and if this gains any traction I’ll turn it into GitHub page everyone can contribute to.