Quantum #20

Issue #20 of the weekly HPC newsletter by HMx Labs.

Quantum #20

Short, sweet and minimal from me today. I’m writing this on the side of a volcano (dormant!!) somewhere in Auvergne, France and operating on a limited amount of sleep courtesy of my brother in law’s wedding. The essentials are still covered below, you have your cloud updates from the major vendors but a bit lacking on news front and my own hot takes on what’s going on in HPC and cloud this week.

You’re as welcome as ever to contribute, please drop us an email at [email protected] for anything you’d like to see featured or if you’d like to write for Flux by HMx Labs yourself.

Know someone else who might like to read this newsletter? Forward this on to them or even better, ask them to sign up here: https://cloudhpc.news

In The News

Updates from the big three clouds on all things HPC.

HPC Cloud Updates WE 28 Jul 2024
Updates to AWS, Azure & GCP in the last week relevant for HPC practitioners

From HMx Labs

Still pointing the finger at CrowdStrike… maybe take a look at your own org too…

Not Just CrowdStrike
It might be time to see what failings in your own organisation CrowdStrike just highlighted for you.