Quantum #27
Issue #27 of the weekly HPC newsletter by HMx Labs.

I was at Donington Park yesterday with Khanage Racing for round 6 of the Porsche Club championship. Shiraz qualified in P3 but some smoke from the car and a tiny mistake meant even though he took the lead in the first lap of Race 1 he dropped down the grid.
Rain rolled in before the second race and some logistical problems meant by the time wet wheels were on the car it he was starting from the pits at the back of the grid. Despite being 10 seconds behind the back of the grid though Shiraz managed to claw his way back up to a P4 finish! Now that’s some driving!
I took my DLSR with me this time. I had forgotten how good (albeit large and heavy!) a real camera is! Few more pictures just for fun at the end.
In The News
Updates from the big three clouds on all things HPC.

It’s behind an incredibly annoying data collection form but has input from Google Cloud and NVIDIA HPC experts and includes some insight into Slurm GCP.

Zettascale HPC? Oracle wants to build one with NVIDIA H200s

From HMx Labs
Some really great engagement this week on LinkedIn and feedback from the HPC community this week but if you missed my musing here’s a recap
HPC 2.0? What’s in your wish list?

HPC Catalogue? How about a community driven effort

You’re as welcome as ever to contribute, please drop us an email at [email protected] for anything you’d like to see featured or if you’d like to write for Flux by HMx Labs yourself.
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