Quantum #31

Issue #31 of the weekly HPC newsletter by HMx Labs.

Quantum #31

I don’t think it’s much of a secret that I’m quite the introvert and like to hide away in my office of solitude and crank out code on my own (hardly ideal qualities for a CEO but that’s a topic for another day!). I’ve been meaning to change that on a more than ad hoc basis that I’ve done over the last few months and come up with some kind of regular slot that’s open for people to meet and chat HPC. I haven’t quite figured out the regular bit yet. But I will be in Canary Wharf this week so if you do fancy meeting up over a coffee let me know.

In the meantime, you can catch up with all that happened in the world of HPC and all that’s HPC adjacent below. 

In The News

Updates from the big three clouds on all things HPC.

HPC Cloud Updates WE 13 Oct 2024
Updates to AWS, Azure & GCP in the last week relevant for HPC practitioners

Mentioned briefly in the above link, but worth a closer look is AWS’ release of, and pricing strategy for, ValKey. Corey Quinn digs into it below. With GCP already offering Memorystore for ValKey this leaves Azure as the only major cloud platform without a ValKey offering. Bets on how long till that changes?

AWS’s Valkey Play: When a Fork Becomes a Price Cut
In a move that’s equal parts predictable and surprising, AWS has decided to make their Valkey-based services significantly cheaper than their Redis counterparts.

AMD is coming for all things AI. Hopefully this doesn’t mean they’re going to forget about HPC…

AMD Launches CPU, GPU and DPU Chips Aimed at Big AI - High-Performance Computing News Analysis | insideHPC
Today in San Francisco AMD announced updated versions of its chips portfolio and moved to position itself as an across-the-board provider of data center technology for organizations implementing Big AI. The company also said it is speeding up its product release cadence, a move clearly aimed at formidable sector heavyweight Nvidia. “AMD is the only […]

From HMx Labs

Do you use any AI coding assistants? Do you find yourself waiting for it?

The Copilot Pause and AI Generated Code
So how much does AI really increase developer productivity?

I caught up with some AWS folk and heard some interesting takes on the trade lifecycle

HPC in Trade Lifecycles?
Does HPC have a role to play in trade lifecycles? Let’s find out what AWS thinks…

You’re as welcome as ever to contribute, please drop us an email at [email protected] for anything you’d like to see featured or if you’d like to write for Flux by HMx Labs yourself.

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