Quantum #32
Issue #32 of the weekly HPC newsletter by HMx Labs.

HPC = High Performance Community, Intel and AMD join forces, and I fail to engage Founder Mode.
The biggest news last week has to be Intel and AMD teaming up to take the fight to ARM and forming the x86 Ecosystem Advisory Group. More on that below but by some happy coincidence I happened to be sitting at lunch with the CTO of Intel, Greg Lavender, the day after the announcement! Do I have some amazing insights for you? Not a jot. And that dear reader is why you should continue to trust a real journalist for your tech news 😆
I’m genuinely, but very positively, surprised at the level of interest in a HPC community event. Not only from people in London, but all around the world it seems. It is definitely far beyond our capabilities to extend these worldwide but I wonder if there’s value in some form of virtual community around this also? But don’t we already have that in various forms on LinkedIn, StackOverflow and elsewhere? Perhaps some kind of federated model with people organising events local to them?
In any case given the enthusiasm I thought I’d try and get a jump on things, founder mode engaged! Only to have it well and truly interrupted by my kids and family all weekend, so all I’ve really managed to do is register a domain and setup an email address 😩

You’ll be glad to know though that I have delegated organising the first event and we’re aiming for something in the last week of November in Canary Wharf. Watch this space.
In The News
Updates from the big three clouds on all things HPC.

Intel and AMD form the x86 Ecosystem Advisory Group.

What has Exascale given us beyond bragging rights and heating up the planet?

A common theme over the last couple of weeks in my conversations has been data in HPC so this announcement caught my eye. Unified compute and data orchestration? Yes please.

From HMx Labs
In case you have no idea what I was referring to above, you’ll need to read this:

How do you process youd cloud updates?

You’re as welcome as ever to contribute, please drop us an email at [email protected] for anything you’d like to see featured or if you’d like to write for Flux by HMx Labs yourself.
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