Quantum #34
Issue #34 of the weekly HPC newsletter by HMx Labs.

Another week, another issue. The usual roundup of news is below as ever including an update on the HPC meet in London and a little AI generated Halloween and HPC themed frivolity.
I had an interesting conversation this week that raised a poignant question. It’s no secret that HPC is seen as the old kid on the block. We could debate whether it’s a dinosaur or a fine wine but either way with ageism rife not only in hiring people but also in our tech choices in this industry… it raises a really important question. How many people are out there rebuilding the wheel because HPC isn’t “cool” anymore?

Whether that’s to run on cloud or do train AI models. How much are we losing out in the HPC space because we’re not young and hip?
Secondly, these trends can be, but aren’t necessarily, cyclical. Just look at NoSQL data stores or microservices. So, will we see a resurgence in classical HPC tooling as people recognise it is in fact the same problem? Or have they languished too long to be saved?
In The News
Updates from the big three clouds on all things HPC and Google’s new AI Hypercomputer. Spoiler alert. Its not.

Till now we’ve seen increasing globalisation of compute with the cloud available in an ever-increasing number of regions worldwide. Could we start seeing a reversal of that trend?

Could the move to huge GPUs farms lead to not only more power demand but more e-waste too?

From HMx Labs
Got funding from your cloud vendor? Worried about lock in? Want some advice?

Double double, toil and compute

HPC CLUB: We’ve set the venue, menu and agenda

You’re as welcome as ever to contribute, please drop us an email at [email protected] for anything you’d like to see featured or if you’d like to write for Flux by HMx Labs yourself.
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