Quantum #36
Issue #36 of the weekly HPC newsletter by HMx Labs.

SC24 is kicking off right about now so all the big news will be filtering out during the course of this week. Google have chosen to get out ahead though with an update of all that’s new from GCP in the world of HPC (see the cloud updates for more).

Finding someone from financial services at SC24 though is a bit like playing Where’s Waldo. Over the last twenty years I’ve worked at financial institutions that have operated compute grids that would comfortably have featured in the Top500. Not that such a thing would ever have been made public! In a similar vein, attending SC in Atlanta is just something that doesn’t seem to be the done thing by financial services HPC folk. What’s up with that? Though I do see Aneo have a presence there this year.
We could get into an argument about how financial risk calculations aren’t really HPC and that they’re HTC… But given that portfolio risk can fall closer to HPC than HTC (and makes a significant portion of the workload these days) and that even most traditional supercomputers spend a (significant) portion of their time running HTC workloads now does that really matter?
I see these kinds of curiosities repeated elsewhere in the HPC world too. AWS’ HTC Grid for example is now a part of FINOS rather than the HPSF (both are under the Linux Foundation).
Lastly, HPC Club is fully booked but we are operating a waitlist should anyone drop out. If you’re booked a place and can’t make it, please do let us know so someone else can take the place.
Oh and yea there actually is a Waldo in the image. Found him yet?
In The News
Updates from the big three clouds on all things HPC.

Want a place the Exascale club? Well lets see some benchmarks!

Ever thought about using Kubernetes and Slurm to run your HPC workloads? Well you’re not the only one and now we have Slinky!

Want to know the future of HPC?

From HMx Labs
Evolution of HPC and a rant on the state of AI

Time to get philosophical. What is HPC?

You’re as welcome as ever to contribute, please drop us an email at [email protected] for anything you’d like to see featured or if you’d like to write for Flux by HMx Labs yourself.
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