Quantum #38

Issue #38 of the weekly HPC newsletter by HMx Labs.

Quantum #38

And relax. SC24 and the rush of news from that is over. AWS seem to have gotten all their important releases out the door in preparation for re:Invent so it’s a pretty quiet week in terms of news updates in the world of HPC.

We, on the other hand, have been pretty busy! Not only have we grown the team this past week (see below) but we’re still looking to add another engineer. So if this sounds like you 

  • Not Dennis Ritchie but know malloc isn’t a type of duck
  • Not Bjarne Stroustrup but know that Boost isn’t just Cadbury’s chocolate bar.
  • Not James Gosling but Java isn’t just coffee
  • Not Vint Cerf but you understand why is not a publicly routable address.
  • Not Jennifer Petoff but you understand resilience isn’t just having a spare laptop
  • Not Morris Jette but you know scheduling isn’t just about organising lunch.
  • Not a quant but know that a conversation about the Greeks with one isn’t about the Netflix show ‘KAOS’

You get the idea. Fit the mould? Want to shape the future of HPC? Give me a shout.

In The News

Updates from the big three clouds on all things HPC.

HPC Cloud Updates WE 01 Dec 2024
Updates to AWS, Azure & GCP in the last week relevant for HPC practitioners

If you’d been wondering what HPSF have been up to since their formation, well here’s a nice update

HPSF Gets Off to a Strong Start in Taking HPC Software Mainstream
The newly formed High-Performance Software Foundation (HPSF) is already up and running with tools to bring HPC software to the mainstream. Hardware used in supercomputers is now making its way […]

Benchmarks are pretty important to us at HMx Labs and not only do we run a lot of them but we often come up with new ones for our clients. Here’s some info on why the rest of the HPC industry considers them imoortant though

Why Supercomputer Benchmarking Is So Important
SC2024 had a few sessions talking about the importance of benchmarking systems. The relevance of LINPACK — which is used to rank the Top500 — has been a hot topic […]

From HMx Labs

Yep, I said it. Cloud is a utility.

Cloud is a Utility
We’re already there. Cloud is just another utility today.

HMx Skunkworks is up and running

HMx Skunkworks
Time to bring the skunkworks back online!

Thank you so much for coming along to HPC Club! Feedback for the next one is very welcome

HPC CLUB: Thanks for coming. See you again soon!
Massive thankyou to everyone that attended the 27 Nov meetup

You’re as welcome as ever to contribute, please drop us an email at [email protected] for anything you’d like to see featured or if you’d like to write for Flux by HMx Labs yourself.

Know someone else who might like to read this newsletter? Forward this on to them or even better, ask them to sign up here: https://cloudhpc.news