Reading cloud release notes

How do you filter the chaff from the what and get the updates you actually care about?

A man sitting at a desk with his head in his hand with a fake cloud above him that is raining down release updates.

Ever feel like this reading cloud service updates and trying to figure out what you need to care about? You’re not alone. 

Using the cloud brings some great advantages for sure but having to read release notes for a million services and figure out which ones you need to care about isn’t one of them. Somehow, none of the major clouds have a good solution for this either… Especially in the enterprise space where it is lots of different people that care about a small number of services each.

So how do you make sure you don’t miss an important update for the handful of services you care about amongst the hundreds that are actually available? Comment below please, would be genuinely interested to hear how you handle this. 

There are third parties, such as Last Week in AWS, that attempt to distil down this information. We even have one ourselves for HPC related updates from the three major cloud providers. I don’t know what services you use though. I’m making an educated guess based on what we’ve seen at the clients we’ve worked with. 

It would be great if I could just collate (I know we’re not the only ones that are multi cloud) and filter by the services I care about. Even then though I might miss important updates announcing new services I will care about such as AWS’ recent Parallel Compute Service or Azure’s Compute Fleet or Google’s Cluster Toolkit.

I wonder how well an LLM, instructed to filter information relevant to your own use case, run over the release notes would work? Anyone tried this? I don’t have a spare intern right now… maybe I’ll task ChatGPT 4o to try it. Oh look at that… they were right after all, ChatGPT will take your job 😏