Announcing HPC Club

The first rule of HPC Club is: you do not talk about HPC Club

Announcing HPC Club

I have been trying, admittedly not very hard, for the past 18 months or so to put together some kind of regular event to help build more of a community around HPC. Especially HPC in financial services.

Something relatively informal, that won’t breach gift giving and anti bribery policies of all the big companies yet that people in the HPC community actually want to attend. Most events are organised by one of the big vendors or cloud providers which tends to automatically exclude everyone that works for a competitor. Wouldn’t it be fun to get everyone in the same room? 

Oh and something that won’t bankrupt us either… we don’t have the fancy offices and deep pockets of some of the more established companies in this field 😁

Well over the last two weeks I’ve attended a couple of events and a common theme seemed to be people lamenting about the lack of community and events such as this. Which I guess was enough of a push for me to put a little more effort into things and try and get the ball rolling.

So, here’s the deal. A monthly event that alternates in location between Canary Wharf and the City of London.  HMx Labs will provide a venue and few nibbles. You provide the interesting conversation.

The first rule of HPC Club? 🚫 No selling. Not even us. 

Are you in? If so, hit like/comment below, forward this to your colleagues and help me work out how big a venue we’re going to need. I’m guessing probably only about 10 people but I could be wrong.