EuroHPC JU Lays Groundwork for Two New Super Computers
The Euro HPC Joint Undertaking has been busy! Not one but two new super computers on the cards in the EU are on the cards.
Signature of the Hosting Agreement for the Second European Exascale Supercomputer, Alice Recoque
The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking has signed a hosting agreement with GENCI for its next exascale supercomputer, Alice Recoque, which will be operated by CEA. It will pave the way for new scientific discoveries and post-exascale HPC and AI services.

The Way is Open to Build a EuroHPC World-class Supercomputer in Sweden
A hosting agreement has been signed between EuroHPC JU and Linköping University (LiU) in Sweden, which hosts the National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputing in Sweden (NAISS) and will host the new EuroHPC supercomputer, Arrhenius.