HPC Cloud Updates WE 28 Apr 2024

Updates to AWS, Azure & GCP in the last week relevant for HPC practitioners

HPC Cloud Updates WE 28 Apr 2024


Want to spin up a high speed file share to use from the worker nodes? Try this.

Build and deploy a 1 TB/s file system in under an hour | Amazon Web Services
Want to set up a high-speed shared file system for your #HPC or #AI workloads in under an hour? Learn how with this new blog post.

Or if you’re using MPI in the hpc7a machines this is going to be more relevant:

Optimizing MPI application performance on hpc7a by effectively using both EFA devices | Amazon Web Services
Get the inside scoop on optimizing your MPI apps and configuration for AWS’s powerful new Hpc7a instances. Dual rail gives these instances huge networking potential @ 300 Gb/s - if properly used. This post provides benchmarks, sample configs, and real speedup numbers to help you maximize network performance. Whether you run weather simulations, CFD, or other HPC workloads, you’ll find practical tips for your codes.

Trying to keep CISO happy in monitoring your HPC worker nodes? This might help

Amazon Inspector agentless vulnerability assessments for Amazon EC2 are now Generally Available (GA)

Need better time sync across your workers?

Amazon Time Sync Service expands Microsecond-Accurate time to 87 additonal EC2 instance types


A few classic services being retired, deployment and five network services

Cloud Services (classic) deployment model is retiring on 31 August 2024 | Azure updates | Microsoft Azure
Cloud Services (classic) retiring in August 2024.
Five Azure classic networking services will be retired on 31 August 2024 | Azure updates | Microsoft Azure
Classic Networking Services retiring in August 2024.


2024 DORA survey now live:

2024 DORA survey now open | Google Cloud Blog
Participating in the 2024 DORA Survey helps us understand how AI, platform engineering and developer experience impact organizational performance.

Not a great deal HPC related this week from GCP, but they have changed their release notes page to be much more readable!