HPC Cloud Updates WE 7 Jul 2024

Updates to AWS, Azure & GCP in the last week relevant for HPC practitioners

HPC Cloud Updates WE 7 Jul 2024

Bit of a nothing burger this week in the world of HPC on the cloud.


Nicely spun in terms of environmental concern but useful to just consider how you select your HPC resource

Improve HPC workloads on AWS for environmental sustainability | Amazon Web Services
Need to cut your carbon footprint without sacrificing productivity? Migrating HPC workloads to the cloud allowed Baker Hughes to reduce emissions by 99%! Get tips for optimizing compute, storage, networking so you can do better.

Quiet week on AWS for a change. Not much else of interest in the HPC space.


Azure updates is a little more functional than it was last week, I guess that in itself is news at this point! Having said that, there really isn’t much on there that wasn’t there last week…


Lots about AI but nothing about HPC from the folks at Google…