HPC Club – 27 November
Inaugural meeting of HPC Club on the 27th November in Canary Wharf

The initial idea for HPC club proved to be very popular. Much more so than I had expected in fact.
So, we’ve been busy this last week and have planned the first meet. Empty your diaries, save the date and get ready to snap up your place.
🕓 27th November.
📍 Canary Wharf.
Sadly, our budget, much like your compute capacity, is limited and as consequence so are the number of places. I hope we will be able to accommodate everyone that turns up but the venue definitely won’t hold the 100 or so people the hit like on the original announcement ☹️ Not even half that in fact.
There are far more people interested in this than my poor leaky brain can hold within it so if you want to make sure you are kept in the loop stick your email into the sign-up page on the HPC CLUB website. Once we finalise the last few details we’ll release the free Eventbrite tickets via that list.
🚫 Don’t forget: First rule of HPC CLUB is no selling 🚫
I’ll apologise in advance as this is the first time we’ve ever organised anything like this so there are bound to be a few glitches along the way.
Lastly, there was a lot of international interest in this. What should we do about that? Setup a virtual community? Anyone want to setup meets in their locality? Comments below please!