HPC Club Rules
What’s the first rule of HPC Club?

People working in HPC can be a secretive bunch. Such is the nature of the beast though, many things that HPC is used for are commercial in confidence at the very least if not more sensitive. This makes sharing experiences and problems a little harder but not impossible.
Things are even more complicated if you work for a company that won’t allow you speak publicly without prior approval. Getting that approval is just arduous if you’re lucky but more likely to be a soul sucking, life draining, bureaucratic marathon. I’d quite like people to speak and present at these events but I suspect many won’t unless we can make it easy to jump that hurdle.
I’m thinking we try something along these lines as a first cut. We can refine this as we go along and figure out what works.
🚫 No Selling
🚫 No Photos (without permission of everyone in them)
🚫 No recording of presentations/speakers (without written permission from the speaker)
🚫 No public disclosure (such as on social media) of anything said at HPC Club without prior approval.
Oh. Would you look at that. Maybe the first rule of HPC Club really is you don’t talk about HPC Club.😆
If you haven’t snagged a place yet, at the time of writing there were still a small number left. Reserve a place here
Want to know more about what the first meet will be about? Sneak a peek here: