News From ISC 24
Some of the most important announcements from ISC 24

You'd have to have been hiding under a rather large rock to have missed ISC24 was happening this week! Just in case you were though, here's a brief roundup of some of the most interesting announcements that were made.
New Top 500 Supercomputer list released
Home - | TOP500

and with it the news that Argonne tiptoed over the exascale threshold
Argonne’s Aurora supercomputer breaks exascale barrier | Argonne National Laboratory

Launch of the High Performance Software Foundation
High Performance Software Foundation
New open source foundation dedicated to High Performance Computing launched

JUPITER ranks at the top of Green500
EU’s JEDI supercomputer most energy efficient HPC system in the world
The Jupiter Exascale Development Instrument has just ranked first on the Green500 list of the most energy-efficient supercomputers worldwide.

UK joins EuroHPC JU
The United Kingdom Joins EuroHPC Joint Undertaking
Following the 38th Governing Board meeting of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) became the 35th Participating State to join this EU initiative to lead the way in European supercomputing.

UK's Isambard supercomputer comes online and ranks second on Green500
UK’s new supercomputer comes online, awaits 5,280 GPUs
Government has also joined Europe’s EuroHPC programme; encourages researchers to tap large pot of cash.

UK’s Isambard-AI Supercomputer Goes Online, Ranking 2nd Greenest Globally
May 14, 2024 — The UK’S fastest and most powerful supercomputer, located at the University of Bristol, is now officially online, with pioneering technology helping to make the UK a […]

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