Misadventures in #HPC #Cloud Migration #9
But Which VM?

As a quick recap, in #8 of this series we discussed a Bring Your Own Scheduler approach to cloud HPC migration that retains your existing on prem scheduler. In addition though, we added a component to flex the cloud compute capacity as required in order to optimise cost. Sounds great.
One question though. Which VM type are you going to start up?
It’s a deceptively simple question but one with a surprisingly complex answer. Or rather there isn’t an answer as such, more a mechanism by which the answer can be determined. The answer itself may be different every time the question is posed.
I’m afraid though dear reader, I am going to leave you hanging for just a little longer. for our answer to what the unnamed component from part 8 looks like in an HMx Labs solution.
I’m sat writing this at the Folkestone terminal of Le Shuttle with another 8 hours drive ahead of me on the other side. By the time this goes live on LinkedIn I should hopefully have arrived but for now I need to rush back to the car and get it onto the train.
In the meantime, in true Blue Peter style, here’s one I prepared earlier: