Quantum #10

Issue #10 of the weekly HPC newsletter by HMx Labs.

Quantum #10

We’re ten issues in! I think its probably safe to say we’re probably out of the initial teething problems at this point, so the next step is trying to grow both the content and the audience. If you can help with either, please give me a shout! In particular if you know someone that might be interested in this please ask them to sign up.

Lots of updates from ISC 24 from this past week as well as the usual HPC updates from the cloud and HPC vendors.

You’re as welcome as ever to contribute, please drop us an email at [email protected] for anything you’d like to see featured or if you’d like to write for Flux by HMx Labs yourself.

Know someone else who might like to read this newsletter? Forward this on to them or even better, ask them to sign up here: https://cloudhpc.news

In The News

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From HMx Labs

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