Quantum #14
Issue #14 of the weekly HPC newsletter by HMx Labs.

Its not long now till we’re at Oulton Park with Khanage Racing for the next round of the Porsche Cup on the 29th of July. Want to join us trackside for the action? Let me know.
I’m finding that my content on social media posts gets a lot more visibility when I don’t talk about HPC! 😊 It seems to have become a delicate balancing act of feeding the algorithm mainstream content so keep my posts visible while drip feeding in the HPC content alongside it.
I’m rather hoping that we use this platform to try and avoid the social media algorithm Olympics but in order to do so, I need a little help from you dear reader. We need to grow. But with the right HPC audience. The best people to help me do that is you. If I could trouble you to ask anyone interested in HPC to subscribe at https://cloudhpc.news I would really appreciate it.
You’re as welcome as ever to contribute, please drop us an email at [email protected] for anything you’d like to see featured or if you’d like to write for Flux by HMx Labs yourself.
In The News
Updates from the big three clouds on all things HPC.

A bit of fun with HPC (but some very serious tech involved!)

From HMx Labs
Do you write code? Are you responsible for my code editor being slower than ever?

A topic a really hesitated writing about, but an important one to discuss. Running HPC on containers