Quantum #5

Issue #5 of the weekly HPC newsletter by HMx Labs.

Quantum #5

Issue 5! No format changes this week, but feedback is of course still welcome. Lots of releases naturally from Google last week being Cloud Next. More on that I the cloud HPC news link below. Not a great deal of HPC related announcements or releases. Not unless we count anything to do with AI as HPC in which case it was all HPC related 😊

You’re as welcome as ever to contribute, please drop us an email at [email protected] for anything you’d like to see featured or if you’d like to write for Flux by HMx Labs yourself.

Know someone else who might like to read this newsletter? Forward this on to them or even better, ask them to sign up here: https://cloudhpc.news

In The News

Cloud HPC News

Updates from the big three clouds on all things HPC.

HPC Cloud Updates WE 14 Apr 2024
Updates to AWS, Azure & GCP in the last week relevant for HPC practitioners

Included in the link above but worth highlighting perhaps:

Google Launches ARM CPU: Axion
A little late to the party but Google Cloud offers its own ARM CPUs.

Financial Risk Analytics on GPU

Running financial quantitative risk on GPUs may have a renewed lease of life if this article from NVIDIA is anything to go by:

Risk Analytics on GPU using ISO C++
The clever people at NVIDIA show how to run financial risk analytics on GPU using ISO C++

From HMx Labs

Khanage racing and HMx Labs will be at Donnington testing and racing this week.

AI & Software Development Jobs

The AI Induced Skill Gap
I don’t think AI will cost you your job. I do think it has already shifted the job market.

Microsoft Drop the Ball on Security… Again

Microsoft Fumbles Security Again
Microsoft decides to store internal secrets on a public storage server open to the internet